Visceroid Command And Conquer

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Visceroids are the results of uncontrolled, irregular Tiberium mutation. Background Visceroids were disturbing creatures that sometimes form when organic life dies to Tiberium exposure. As flesh breaks down after death, it has the potential to mutate into a visceroid, a crude Tiberium-based life-form. Visceroids often appeared to be blob-like masses of flesh that sometimes had a few. This is the sequel to Tiberium Catastrophe. OH FUCK YES THIS PROGRAM SUCKS EVEN SO MUCH THAT YOU CAN'T HEAR THE FLAMETHROWER GUY SPEAKING. Command and Conquer Players's national animal is the Visceroid, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests. Command and Conquer Players is ranked 4,276 th in the world and 1 st in Command and Conquer Fans and Players for Most Inclusive, scoring 242.17 on the Mandela-Wollstonecraft Non-Discrimination Index. Maps are the battlefields that you play matches on in Command & Conquer games, including C&C Generals, Zero Hour, C&C 3, and Red Alert 3.Most of the maps you can download from C&C Labs are created by fellow Command & Conquer fans using the World Builder program, which is installed along with both Generals and Zero Hour and is available as separate downloads for C&C 3, Kane's Wrath, and Red.

This is based on opinion. Please don't list it on a work's trope example list.

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Although the series is generally quite campy, It does have its many moments of scary things that will put you off from playing a game or two for some time. Most of these comes from the sudden realization about the various mumbo-jumbo in each series and imagining yourself to be caught up in one of these.

Individual Series

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  • Tiberium, as summed up by one of the developers:
    'What happens if you're exposed to Tiberium? Nothing good. If you come into direct contact with Tiberium, the green matter will start to fuse with your skin within about 20 seconds. You'll feel an intense burning sensation, similar to touching a hot pan or spilling acid on your skin. A full blown infection will manifest if you aren't treated immediately. Your flesh will begin to take on a glassy-greenish appearance as it begins to crystallize; eventually your internal organs will shut down as Tiberium extends rigid crystalline runners throughout your body. If you breathe in the crystal, then it will become embedded in your lungs. You'll lose the ability to process oxygen as your lung tissue crystallizes. Eventually you'll start coughing up blood and will hemorrhage to death.'
    • Tiberium is horrifying once you learn of exactly why it has its properties. It's more or less a terraforming agent. However it leeches valuable minerals from the soil into a concentrated amount, growing crystals that can be easily harvested. The gas is toxic to most lifeforms and generally devolves them as well, but is easily contained. Bordering on Fridge Horror, you realise that this thing is made to capitalize on greed. Every single society will fight tooth and nail for control of this stuff, as there is literally no better way of extracting valuables. They will also purposely cultivate fields of the stuff, because it's far more easier to plop a crystal in the ground than digging through a quarry. But it leeches away nutrients for growing food and degenerates (and poisons) local fauna. This ensures that whatever species left when the Scrin arrives is completely crippled, with but pockets of unmutated stock left and mostly worn out from war and starvation. And Nod keeps wanting to spread this stuff over the planet, and starting in Tiberian Sun they practically have a religion based on it, which Tiberium Wars takes to an extreme with stain-glassed window paintings depicting Tiberium mutations. It's not till Tiberium Twilight where this interest DOESN'T make them come off as insane.
    • Tiberian Dawn even goes into some of the early effects of Tiberium. By the end of the game, it's estimated that around 4 million people have died due to Tiberium exposure in the space of three years and millions more have suffered from respiratory, genetic, and reproductive damage, and more again in the livestock population. Nod data suggests that 60% of the planet's population will suffer from Tiberium related illnesses in the near future.
    • Speaking of the Scrin, lets look at Cult of Reaper 17. The Cult of Reaper is stated to be set of armies that are supposed to forcibly subdue any planets that offer resistance to the Scrin, and Reaper 17 is described as being bloodthirsty even for an army meant to strong arm planets, and are described as using Tiberium like an addict overdosing on drugs.
  • Visceroids in Command And Conquer. They're disgusting enough in the RTS games, but the Renegade FPS gives them a whole new level of scary, seeing as you can see how disgusting they are up close and personal.
    • Not enough? Then go for the Nod Mutant army, which is anywhere from dumb Initiates to clever Acolytes to really tough Templars.
    • By the Third Tiberium War, Visceroids have been tamed by the Forgotten and used as suicide bombers and, on occasion, as food. Remember what the Visceroid use to be, and remember that the Forgotten are also Tiberium Mutants..
  • Buzzers. Swarms of thousands of tiny Scrin bladed organisims whose sole purpose is to flow through the cracks and gaps in your armor and shred you to tiny pieces.
  • Sonic Emitters. They work by broadcasting the resonate frequency of your opponent over a large distance. This is meant to deal with Tiberium, but what about when you use them against Nod militants? This means that the Sonic Emitters are literally shattering every bone in the opponent's body.
    • Or worse yet, liquefying their insides.
  • When Cabal took over the Cyborg Army, he employed Reapers to collect humans for conversion into cyborgs. While the graphical limitations reduce the process to simply emitting a gas and a cyborg popping out from the corpse, you can see that they hold soldiers and civilians alike in pens. And the first step to conversion is to infect the patient with tiberium.. Thankfully said mission has you destroying the facility, but not before Cabal obtains a sizable force.
  • The brotherhood's cyborg program was started by the Soviet's Super Soldier program, which only had one successful prototype; Volkov and his dog Chitzkoi. When the Allies were victorious, it was stated that both Volkov and his dog were 'decomissioned'. Not imprisoned, not granted amnesty, not executed, just 'decomissioned'..
  • Volkov and Chitzkoi's creation is nothing short of horrifying either. Both of them some how have metal endoskeletons. Not Metal-plated, full on metal skeletons. Volkov also has part of his skeleton modified to have a grenade launcher built into it. And this was done with WW2-era soviet surgical knowledge. No wonder there was only one 'successful' prototype.
  • The Yellow Zones and Red Zones of Tiberium Wars are horrifying to behold. Yellow zones are an all-to-close reminder of some of the poorer 3rd world countries that exist in our time; decrepit infrastructure housing billions of starving, desperate people while global superpowers war just over their heads, and running water and food is considered a luxury. On top of all that, they have to deal with the very real possibility of Tiberium contamination as they go about their daily struggle for survival. And then there's the Red Zones; an apocalyptic wasteland where the earth itself has been gutted by tiberium. Giant 'glaciers' of tiberium run so high and deep that it's impossible to harvest them with conventional means, while any man not thoroughly protected from the air itself will find himself either dying an agonizing death or horrifyingly mutating into a visceroid. Within minutes. Anything that managed to survive in this environment has been mutated beyond recognition; your soldiers will occasionally remark how it feels like an alien planet and they're right; tiberium has mutated the place so much that it is an alien world.
  • Tiberian Dawn had this gruesome cutscene of a Yelling Interrogator beating up a prisoner and then shooting him in the head. Yeesh!
Red Alert Series
Generals Series
  • Death by Anthrax intoxication, Nuclear radiation, burning alive, etc.
  • Along with the aforementioned Anthrax, radiation, and napalm, there is also the fact that the 'good guys' have the most horrific weapon in the game: the microwave tank. It will fry any enemy infantry who gets too close to it. If you know how a microwave works, that means that literally every cell in the victim's body bursts.
  • Running desperate from the Particle Cannon as it relentlessly pursues whichever poor soul was chosen to die, even worse than the magnetic Satellite because just as you think you got away the damn thing can speed up.
  • Everything about the Global Liberation Army just got a lot more unsettling now that an actual real-life counterpart to them has made its impact on the world: the Islamic State of Iraq & Syria.
    • Given how at least alleged extremists have hit places as far as Canada and Australia, this is one nightmare that looks like it's coming slowly close and closer to reality.
  • China Theme #9 sounds like something straight out of a slasher film or horror game.
  • Individual generals are horrible bosses to work/fight for:
    • Dr. Thrax is the most obvious, being a Laughing Mad 'scientist' with sketchy credentials and a fascination with toxic chemicals and biological agents. He supplies the GLA with 'Anthrax' but keeps his most potent stuff for himself. His base is in a mountain with dilapidated chemical storage bunkers all around, and most likely poisoned soil and water. His base terrorists are given chemical sprayers as weapons, but aren't given any additional protection. His workers are up the creek, so to speak.
    • Shi Tao makes his base in a dilapidated nuclear testing facility, a place so irradiated patches of visible radiation crop up randomly in the village between his structures and the players starting area. He also loves nukes, and his tanks come equipped with the nuclear power plant upgrade, but have to be further upgraded to not explode violently. Fighting him he'll also take China's focus on We Have ReservesUp to Eleven by sending unprotected soldiers through this hellscape, often arriving at the player's base with slivers of health left.


Tiberium Poisoning

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A Visceroid in 2047
Let me put it this way, Eddie..
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Visceroid command and conquers

Visceroids are the results of uncontrolled, irregular Tiberium mutation. Fifa 15 crack v2.

  • 1Background

Background[edit | edit source]

Visceroids were disturbing creatures that sometimes form when organic life dies to Tiberium exposure. As flesh breaks down after death, it has the potential to mutate into a visceroid, a crude Tiberium-based lifeform. Visceroids often appeared to be blob-like masses of flesh that sometimes had a few recognizable features from those they once were left over within their structure, and were highly erratic in nature. Some types were even capable of combining their biomass to essentially make a larger visceroid.One of the first mutated creatures to appear, the visceroid was encountered as early as the First Tiberium War.

Originally roughly spherical in shape and capable of emitting only small clouds of toxic Tiberium gas, it was weak and not much of a threat. However, these unstable blobs of flesh soon evolved and became an actual threat, with the ability to expel a highly concentrated stream of toxic, Tiberium-based gas at other organic lifeforms as a defense mechanism, with the curious side effect of potentially turning their targets into visceroids themselves as a result of lethal Tiberium exposure.

Visceroids could form as a result of all sorts of Tiberium-related death in the first war; troops and civilians alike could become visceroids by dying from Tiberium radiation, by being exposed to Tiberium-based weapons, or even as a result of accidental chemical exposure to the substance, such as from processed, stored forms of Tiberium.

Visceroid Command And Conquer

Visceroids are the results of uncontrolled, irregular Tiberium mutation. Fifa 15 crack v2.

  • 1Background

Background[edit | edit source]

Visceroids were disturbing creatures that sometimes form when organic life dies to Tiberium exposure. As flesh breaks down after death, it has the potential to mutate into a visceroid, a crude Tiberium-based lifeform. Visceroids often appeared to be blob-like masses of flesh that sometimes had a few recognizable features from those they once were left over within their structure, and were highly erratic in nature. Some types were even capable of combining their biomass to essentially make a larger visceroid.One of the first mutated creatures to appear, the visceroid was encountered as early as the First Tiberium War.

Originally roughly spherical in shape and capable of emitting only small clouds of toxic Tiberium gas, it was weak and not much of a threat. However, these unstable blobs of flesh soon evolved and became an actual threat, with the ability to expel a highly concentrated stream of toxic, Tiberium-based gas at other organic lifeforms as a defense mechanism, with the curious side effect of potentially turning their targets into visceroids themselves as a result of lethal Tiberium exposure.

Visceroids could form as a result of all sorts of Tiberium-related death in the first war; troops and civilians alike could become visceroids by dying from Tiberium radiation, by being exposed to Tiberium-based weapons, or even as a result of accidental chemical exposure to the substance, such as from processed, stored forms of Tiberium.

Something all visceroid forms had in common was a vulnerability to weapons like assault rifles, flamethrowers, or machineguns: Any specialized anti-infantry weapon that was not Tiberium based was effective at combating visceroids. Larger weapons like anti-tank rockets or cannon shells were somewhat effective, though to a lesser extent.

The Visceroids of 2030, during the Second Tiberium War, can be effectively described as a second generation of the creature. They can be defined as a collection of pre-sentient protoplasm, with lightning-quick, extremely strong pseudopods and the ability to absorb great amounts of kinetic force. Smaller entities were relatively docile (colloquially referred to as 'baby' visceroids), but larger specimens were capable of destroying entire cities, or wreaking havoc even in military bases, due to their speed, ferocity, and resilience.

Second generation visceroids were most notable for their ability to combine. Two 'baby' visceroids could form into an 'adult' visceroid, which was essentially just a larger version of the former creature, being stronger, more durable, and more aggressive as a result. While babies would mostly run from potential enemies, and defend themselves when necessary, adults would actively and aggressively attack any potential threat near them. Even GDI's large and powerful Titan walkers were vulnerable to attack by aggressive adults.

It was not until 2047 that the Visceroids managed to reach a stable mutation stage. The final form of the visceroid has a sturdy, protective shell and three tentacles it uses to move. The Forgotten even managed to domesticate some of these creatures and by 2077 they use them as suicide bombers, with explosives strapped to their shells[1] as well as a source of food[2].

Visceroid behavior has always been very basic and non-intelligent in nature; they often attack any non-visceroid lifeform or building near them indiscriminately and seem to wander and idle randomly. Visceroids even attacked Scrin buildings, vehicles, and lifeforms, despite the fact that the Scrin themselves were Tiberium-based lifeforms.

Additionally, all Visceroid forms thrived in the presence of Tiberium. Simply being in a Tiberium field or being exposed to the substance was enough to allow them to regenerate. As a result, Visceroids were often found near Tiberium, and were always associated with it. Tiberium was required for their sustenance, and also required for them to even initially form. Second Tiberium War visceroids were so strongly associated with the substance that simply dying caused Tiberium crystals to begin to sprout from the site of their death.

Proliferation[edit | edit source]

The Visceroid population is directly tied to levels of Tiberium poisoning. Tiberium gas is a corrupting agent, breaking down virtually any living tissue it comes into contact with. Long term exposure cannot be treated and causes a spontaneous breakdown of the affected tissues nearly instantly, as Tiberium saturation within them reaches a certain point. Smaller Visceroids can merge to form adult forms, which are significantly more dangerous.

Unsubstantiated reports exist that some visceroids can reproduce, but most are unfortunate humans transformed by Tiberium.

The ScrinCorrupter, or rather, its Tiberium spray, was noted to create Visceroids on occasion, an unintended side effect of the BC weapon.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

  • An early visceroid

  • Visceroid from Tiberian Dawn

  • Visceroids (adult and baby) from Tiberian Sun

  • Visceroid model from Renegade

  • Visceroid from Tiberium Wars

  • Visceroid from 2047.

  • Tiberian Dawn visceroid animation

  • Tiberian Sun adult visceroid animation

  • Tiberian Sun baby visceroid animation

  • Visceroid from Tiberian Twilight

  • A dead visceroid being cooked for food.

See also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

Visceroid Command And Conquer Download

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